The Ideal Enterprise Operating System – Getting the Best from the Organization and its People (Continuously)

Culture isn’t a problem to be solved, it is an asset to be developed. Leave your sledgehammer at home.

At the heart of the Ideal Enterprise Operating System (IESO) lies a simple yet profound formula: the function of leadership is about continuously extracting the best from both the organization and its people, thereby creating a purposeful reality through the collective efforts of all involved. This principle underscores the essence of effective leadership and management within the Simul framework.

The function of leadership

Defining Leaders and Managers

In our model, “Leaders” are identified not by their titles but by their capacity to influence—whether they wield formal authority or not. They are the catalysts for change, vision, and growth. “Managers,” on the other hand, are responsible for overseeing tasks and ensuring that work is completed under agreed-upon conditions. While distinct, both roles are integral to the organization’s success.

Two Leadership Behaviours

The bridge connecting the function of leadership to getting the best from people and the organization is constructed on two pivotal leader behaviours: creating meaning and enabling.

Creating Meaning: Leaders instill a sense of purpose and significance in the work their teams undertake. By highlighting how each task contributes to the larger mission, leaders ensure that work feels important and fulfilling, boosting engagement and motivation.

Enabling: This behaviour focuses on equipping team members with the necessary tools, resources, and autonomy to make decisions effectively. It’s about empowering individuals to take initiative and own their contributions, fostering an environment of trust and accountability.

The Leader’s Role in Development

A fundamental belief within the Simul IEOS and Leadership framework is that every leader is responsible for nurturing and developing their people. The ultimate aim is to elevate each individual to their highest level of self-sufficiency, recognizing that personal growth is a cornerstone of organizational success. This commitment to development enhances the team’s capabilities and reinforces a culture where continuous improvement is valued and pursued by all.

An organization may not actually have the “best” people, but leaders in the organization can create the kind of environment where people are “giving their best” every day. Sadly, there are many super-talented people in the organization who, for whatever reason, do not give their best. However, we do know that higher levels of productivity and success result from people knowing that they are doing meaningful work and are trusted and empowered to do it.

Let’s Connect to discuss “getting the best from people & the organization.”

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